Sunday, July 14, 2013

Random thoughts

I am about to head out to church, but in an effort to really get back into this whole blogging thing, I am using this free time to write a little post. In an effort to save time I am going to rely on my good old friend the bulleted list:

  • I saw the Way Way Back Yesterday and I LOVED IT. Go see it, like now! I love Toni Collette and she didn't disappoint in this movie. It is just a great coming of age movie, and I really like it -and yes I cried in it, as I do in every movie
  • I know Gone Girl has gotten lots of buzz as a must read. I read it and liked it quite a bit, so I checked out Gillian Flynn's other two books- Sharp Objects and Dark Places and read them both just as quickly as I could. I love me some good chick lit, but back in the day before I was reading the likes of Sophie Kinsella and Emily Giffin...I was devouring Stephen King and these books are similar in style/content to that. They are different than what I typically read, yet I couldn't put either down- not sure what that says about me
  • Every other weekend continues to be a bit of an annoyance. Typically, because my ex-husband doesn't understand, or rather doesn't care that people outside of him have a life. He can never be on time, can't communicate what the plans are for pick up or drop off, it all has to be a task and/or a huge production, it is by far the one area in my life where all the crazy lies. I feel like I have a long, uphill battle ahead of me on this one
  • I have run into a few coworkers in the last week that ask if I have been up to the school, it makes me giggle, because yes, I am still working- we had to replace like 18 people which makes it hard to create a schedule.  I am not complaining at all, if you know me at you know that I like to busy and it doesn't hurt that my co-counselor is one of my dear friends, so even on the most stressful days, I have someone there to listen to me whine, help me solve problems, and just be an awesome person!
  • Hadley's swimming lessons are killing me slowly. I don't get my kid. One week she loves it and is so dead set that she can swim by herself, then the next week she is gripping onto my neck for dear life screaming at the top of her lungs for me not to let go of her. I am ready for her to be at the age where I am not required to go in the pool with her, I just KNOW that she would do so much better if I wasn't there...
  • On a similar note, social media is making me feel like a terrible mom! I see all of these people with multiple kids doing so many amazing things with their kids. I mean, yes my kid is happy and we do stuff, I just don't feel up to par with most moms- this is totally MY ISSUE. I just have a bad habit of feeling like I am falling short of everyone around me. I am hoping as I move into my 30's this insecurity will go!
  • I was doing really good about meal planning and making all kinds of delicious new recipes I found, but since we have moved I have totally slacked on that (um..hello that was in March, it is July!!) I am making it goal to get back into that as the new school year starts!
Well that's about all I've got time for, hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday. I am not sure about you, but this cool/rainy weather is perfect for a lazy Sunday!

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Well hello there!

I have unintentionally taken a break from blogging. There was no real reason, other than I just didn't for a while, then it stopped being part of my routine, you know what I mean?

Anyway, in all of my wisdom today, I have decided that I am going to have two different blogs. I will still keep up with Hadley's Happenings, which will continue to chronicle events and such as they pertain to Hadley, BUT I will also have this blog (cleverly titled Megan's Musings). I just wanted a place where I could write about whatever I wanted to, as a part of my everyday life- as person completely separate of mom to Hadley, although let's be real, I will probably talk about her here too, because she is AWESOME (and also I can control the audience here a little bit easier, so it will be less drama for me). It isn't think I think my life is particularly interesting, in fact it is rather BORING. However, I am about 5 months from my 30 birthday and thought it might be fun for me just to have a place to capture memories, get on a soap box once in a while, etc. 

So without further we go:

I am actually at a really good place in my life on lots of levels these days. I LOVE LOVE my job and my coworkers (well most of them anyway, sorry, not sorry), I am living in Rockwall in a house that has more space than Hadley and I have ever had, I have a great support system of friends, I even have someone that I can talk to about the crazy in my life that really gets it. Life is pretty good! I have an continual inner battle with myself about dating, not because I have tons of prospects or anything, but more of a what if/theoretical way. Most of the time I am perfectly content with life the way it is, and I am not sure how dating would even fit into my life. I mean I have a pretty good thing going and I just wonder how I would balance it all. I also have guilt about going on dates, in which I could have a HORRIBLE time, then I wasted time away from Hadley or used a night I could have for sure have gone out with friends...but then there are moments where I think, maybe it is time (although honestly, those moments are often interupted by horrible self talk, left over fro my divorce). That's another thing, as much as I hate to admit it, my divorce, while it was for the best 100%, it left me pretty emotionally bruised, but at this point I feel like it is time to give myself a quick kick in arse and say get on with clearly I am just a big mess, so I guess for now it is best that that mess is solely mine to clean up after...

Well on that note, I am off to enjoy the Way Way Back with my mom...hope everyone has a great weekend!